Hello. I hope that you’re all keeping safe and well in these trying times.
It’s been a while since I’ve been present online and to be honest, it’s only finally feeling okay for me to do so.
Lambing season kicked off on the farm mid March and like some of you know, you’re in your own little bubble of isolation regardless of what’s happening in the rest of the world. I’m usually frantically trying to juggle my time between the workshop and the farm during those six weeks, but having both Eisteddfods cancelled due to Covid 19, lambing season has been quite wonderful this year. It’s kept us busy when we’ve needed it the most and just slowed the pace of life a little which is something I hope we can take from this and carry forward.
Building work on the new workshop has obviously come to a holt which has resulted in no further developments to the restoration of the old school, so caravan living in the quarry will have to go on for a little while longer. Don’t get me wrong, I bloody love it! For the past 4 years, Doris has kept me sheltered from the many storms we’ve had and played host to it’s fair share of social gatherings. During these past few weeks, I’ve spent hours down here listening to radio 6 while planting veg and drinking the odd daytime margarita! We even have a family sunflower growing challenge going on which is happening as far as Vietnam. But something tells me it about to get a lot more competitive!
To answer the question I’ve been asked a lot recently is yes! I am still working and taking on commissions. I’ve finally been able to get the website shop up and running with individual pieces being uploaded once completed.
Thinking of you all who are currently finding yourselves in exceptionally difficult circumstances.
Sending much love to each and everyone of you
Meinir XX
Helo. Dw i’n gobeithio eich bod i gyd yn cadw’n saff ac yn iach yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn.
Mi oedd dechrau ar dymor yr wyna’ yma canol fis Mawrth a fel mae llawer ohona chi’n gwbod, mae rhywun mewn rhyw fybyl am wythnosau o ddiffyg cwsg a gweld neb, felly doedd hunan-ynysu ddim yn newid mawr yma. Mi fydda’i fel arfer yn wyllt wyrion yn trio jyglo rhwng y gweithdy a’r sied ddefaid ond gan fod y ddwy Steddfod wedi eu gohurio eleni, mae hi wedi bod yn dymor wirioneddol braf. Digon ymlaen i’n cadw ni’n brysur ond eto yn eitha’ dow-dow!
Mae’r gwaith adeiladu yn y gweithdy newydd wedi dod i stop sydd hefyd yn rhwystro unrhyw ddatblygiadau efo’r hen ysgol. Mwy o fywyd carafan sydd o’ mlaen beryg! Peidiwch â ngham-ddallt i , dw i wrth fy modd yma yn chwaral y ffarm. Dros y bedair mlynedd diwetha’ mae Doris wedi nghadw i’n saff rhag stormydd di-ddiwedd a wedi cynnal ambell i barti!
Dros yr wythnosau diwetha’, dw i wedi treulio oria’ i lawr yma yn plannu llysiau tra yn gwrando ar y radio ac yfed ambell Margarita ganol p’nawn! Dw i’n sicr “the best version of myself” ar hyn o bryd!
Er mwyn ateb y cwestiwn dw i wedi ei dderbyn yn aml yn ddiweddar - dw i’n dal i greu ac yn derbyn archebion. Mae siop y wefan yn fyw gyda darnau yn cael eu huwchlwytho pan wedi’u cwblhau.
Cymrwch ofal i gyd
Meinir XX