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Developments... / Datblygiadau...

It's been 4 months since I last updated you on the progress of the new build and on such a wet and windy day, what better than sitting in front of the fire and giving you the lowdown... 
Having been a labourer to a few contractors,  I feel that I am now ready to take on the challenge of restoring the old school myself!  I have learnt and enjoyed the process so much and with events such as the Eisteddfod being postponed this year, I have been able to get stuck in and be an integral part of the build. From sourcing materials at the best price, to mixing plaster and learning to paint with a super smart sprayer! 
It's been an absolute pleasure to deal and work alongside local businesses and I'm proud to say that I've made some life long friends.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of my control, I will not be opening before Christmas, but hopefully we will be able to mark the occasion with something special in the spring.
Over the next few weeks, I will be completely immersed in fulfilling commissions and creating special pieces for the online shop, which will be uploaded having had a sunny spell to take photos.
Keep safe and THANK YOU for your incredible support. xxx
Mae 'na 4 mis wedi mynd heibio ers i mi rhoi diweddariad o'r adeilad newydd i chi ac ar ddiwrnod mor sobor o wlyb, be well na' ista flaen tân a rhannu 'chydig o'r hanes...

Gyda'r profiad sydd gen i bellach fel labrwr, dw i'n meddwl mod i'n barod i rhoi cynnig ar adfer yr hen ysgol fy hun!
Dw i wedi dysgu a mwynhau cymaint wrth i'r prosiect fynd yn ei flaen ac oherwydd digwyddiadau mawr fel y Steddfod wedi'i gohurio eleni, dw i wedi medru bachu'r cyfle i fod yn rhan hanfodol o'r adeiladu. O gyrchu deunyddiau am y fargen orau, cymysgu plastar am ddyddiau i rhoi haenau o baent ar y walia gyda sprayer hi-tech!
Mae hi wedi bod yn bleser pur delio a chydweithio â busnesau lleol ac yn braf medru deud fy mod i wedi creu ambell i ffrind am oes.

Oherwydd sawl rheswm, siomedog yw cyhoeddi ni fydda'i yn medru agor cyn y dolig ond yn obeithiol y cawn wneud rhywbeth bach sbeshal i godi calon a dathlu'r achlysur yn y gwanwyn.

Dros yr wythnosa nesaf 'ma, mi fydda i yn llwyr ganolbwyntio ar gwblhau comisiynau a chreu mwy o ddarnau i'w rhoi ar siop y wefan unwaith fydd 'na sbelan sych a haul i allu tynu llunia. Hei lwc!
Cadwch yn saff i gyd a diolch am BOB cefnogaeth xxx

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